Volcafe is one of the largest green coffee traders, providing the beans for 80 billion cups of coffee each year.
Volcafe Verified is our baseline for responsibly sourced coffee.
ED&F Man Limited, Korea is Volcafe's sales representative office in the Republic of Korea.
Green coffee merchant better leverages the experience and expertise of its Senior Leadership Team to support growth
Farmers and technicians reflect on our Volcafe Way farmer support programme
Tanzanian cooperatives are installing eco-pulpers with the help of a no-interest loan facility
Our Sustainability Strategy combines work in three key pillars, supporting farmer-suppliers and our customers as we make coffee business better, together.
Molinos de Honduras is Volcafe's local company in Honduras.
Volcafe has announced the appointment of Tim Scharrer, who will be joining Volcafe as Chief Operating Officer and Regional Director for Europe & East Africa. He will be part of the Senior Leadership Team.
One million trees are to be planted within five years, in an effort to promote agroforestry, mitigate the effects of climate change, and improve coffee farmer resilience.