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You searched for 'Arabica'
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Coffee and agroforestry alliance (re)generates impact for post-conflict farmers in Colombia

Natural corridors emerge as farmers mix coffee with native trees at their farms

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Volcafe Vietnam expands its offering of responsibly sourced coffee

Through the expansion of its sourcing network, Volcafe doubles the volume of coffee produced responsibly.

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New washing station brings Volcafe even closer to Honduran farmers

The modern facility offers farmers a new outlet and will help improve coffee quality.

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IFC and Absa trade facility to Volcafe to support thousands of coffee farmers in East Africa

The facility, with up to $30 million each from Absa and IFC, will allow Volcafe to provide more than 75,000 farmers with market access

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Yunnan Volcafe Co., Ltd.


Yunnan Volcafe is our coffee origin operation in China.

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Peter Schoenfeld, S.A.


Peter Schoenfeld, S.A. is Volcafe's local coffee company in Guatemala.

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Coficom is Volcafe's local company in Australia.

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Gollücke & Rothfos GmbH


Gollücke & Rothfos is Volcafe's local company in Germany.

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PNG Coffee Exports Ltd

Papua New Guinea

PNG Coffee Exports is Volcafe's local company in Papua New Guinea.

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Volcafe Costa Rica

Costa Rica

Volcafe Costa Rica / Café Capris is our local company in Costa Rica.